Hello and Welcome to Vivis Cosy Corner Free Resource Library!


I’ve created this page as a one-stop compilation of some of the tools I believe could help you unlock the door to your personal growth, financial empowerment, and parental bliss, and transform your journey to love, life, and happiness.


Our dreams can indeed become reality – we have to dream and design it and work for it.


Dive into my treasure trove of free resources designed to help you grow your mindset; live intentionally, become more resilient and happy; master money management; conquer debt; save more;  design, organize, and plan your best life.


The resources include my exclusive keep-it-simple printable resources which I think you’ll love (hand-made by me with love, well not exactly made by hand, more like created on a computer, but you get the point!).


Feel free to also check My Shop for other paid resources you might find useful 

Be sure to check back frequently, as we are adding more helpful and amazing resources!


In the meantime, download what you need using the links below!


By the way, if you’re looking for my book favorites, i.e. books that I’ve found insightful and helpful on my journey of personal development, financial empowerment, and parental bliss, check out My Bookshelf under Things I love


With much love and best wishes,
