Greetings, fellow runners and resilience enthusiasts!

I completed The TCM London Marathon in April 2023 and lived to tell the tale!

The experience was an amazing, overwhelming, and once-in-a-lifetime event. It has reinforced my thoughts that you should:

  • Never make decisions based on fear.
  • Not accept limiting definitions from others.
  • Always challenge your own story to change a perspective truth, and
  • Stand still inside yourself, and know who you are.

Ballot Entry in 2022

I agreed to a dear friend’s request to try out for the ballot with a group of friends in October 2022 before realizing that it was not my typical 10K walk or run.

Can you imagine my disbelief and horror when I discovered that I was the only group member to gain the ballot entry on my first attempt?

Reluctant Acceptance and Training

I certainly did not feel lucky. Anyone who knows me well would attest that I am not a runner, but I was pushed to take on this challenge by my spouse, family, and friends.

Despite being afraid and not knowing anyone else running the event, I decided to sign up in November 2022. I persuaded myself that I could always back out of the race by the scheduled time.

I was finally convinced to run and walk the marathon at the end of January 2023. I decided to dedicate my ballot slot to raise money for a charity I selected.

I was aware of my training successes and setbacks and found that I greatly preferred the fundraising activities to the actual training for the race. 

Race Day

On race day, I was a little anxious and excited since I did not know what to expect, but I also made a promise to myself that I would enjoy the entire race by balancing work and play.

I ran and walked every mile in honor of everyone who supported me and challenged me to go beyond my comfort zone. I had a great time walking, running, and dancing along with every band, DJ, and crowd that played along the route and supported the racers. 

I enjoyed the day and celebrated finishing the race. I will always treasure the memory of my husband, daughters, family, and friends following, cheering, and singing for me on race day. Their faith in me helped me to succeed. If we believe it and work for it, we are our light and are greater than we can dream. I concluded that doing my best was sufficient.

Reflection and Lessons Learned in Resilience

Training for the London Marathon led me on a discovery of the right mindset, exercise, nutrition, self-care, hydration, and recovery required to complete it. I can tell you that the London Marathon isn’t just a race. It is a journey filled with triumphs, challenges, and lessons that extend beyond the finish line.

 So join me as I lace up my metaphorical running shoes and explore the 20 invaluable lessons in resilience gleaned from conquering the iconic London Marathon – a marathon that mirrors the twists and turns of life itself.

Embrace The Starting Line Jitters

Just like the jittery excitement at the beginning of the London Marathon, facing new challenges can be nerve-wracking. Embrace the jitters, take a deep breath, and remember that every great journey starts with a single step, or in this case, a stride.

Embrace The Rain, Embrace The Pain

In London, rain is as inevitable as life’s challenges. Embrace the discomfort; after all, the most exquisite rainbows follow the storm. I danced in the rain.

Navigate The Crowds, Navigate Life’s Chaos

Maneuvering through the crowded streets of London teaches us to navigate life’s chaos with patience and grace. Sometimes, the scenic route is worth the detour.

Pace Yourself, Life’s Not A Sprint

Life’s challenges are more of a marathon than a sprint. Learning to pace yourself ensures you have the stamina to endure the long haul. Take breaks, recharge, and enjoy the journey without burning out too soon.

Fuel Your Body, Fuel Your Soul

Just as runners nourish their bodies with the appropriate nutrition, you need to feed your soul with experiences, relationships, and moments that energize and sustain you for the long run.

Hydration is Key – Drink In Positivity

Just as runners stay hydrated, fill your life with positivity. Quench your thirst for optimism, and surround yourself with uplifting people. Remember that a positive mindset can carry you through the toughest stretches. Find joy in the little water stations of life because those small, refreshing moments keep you going.

Good Shoes Take You To Good Places

Step into success with the right shoes – because in the marathon of life, good shoes take you to good places where each stride brings you closer to triumph. Lace up, run resiliently and let the wisdom of well-chosen shoes guide you through the miles ahead. Your path, your pace, and good shoes leading the way!” Hoka and New Balance running shoes were the welcome saviors of my feet in preparation for this marathon and on marathon day.

The Power Of A Supportive Crowd

The roaring crowds of London are like a cheering section for your soul. Surround yourself with a supportive community – their encouragement can propel you forward, especially when the going gets tough. Having my husband, daughters, close friends, and family members cheering for me at designated stations made me so emotional, loved, and supported. Their love and support powered me to the finish line since I was not alone.  I also had friends following me on the TCM London Marathon app and cheering me along the way.

Mind The Hills, Mind The Challenges

Tackling the inclines of London’s terrain is a metaphor for life’s challenges. Keep your head up, maintain a steady pace, and remember that the view from the top is worth the climb. It is!

Celebrate The Small Victories

Every step forward is a victory. Whether it’s hitting your personal best or conquering a daily hurdle, celebrate the small wins that make the journey worthwhile.

Run Your Own Race, Live Your Own Life

In the London Marathon, it’s crucial to run your race. Similarly, in life, stay true to your path and pace, resisting the urge to compare your journey to others. I stayed in my lane metaphorically and ran my race. I accepted my limitations and walked when I was tired.

Adaptability Is The Ultimate Superpower

London’s unpredictable weather teaches us the importance of adaptability. Embrace change, adjust your sails, and learn to dance in the rain when necessary. I danced in the rain and loved every moment of it.

The Power Of A Well-Earned Rest

Rest is not a sign of weakness but a strategy for success. Take a breather when needed, recharge, and return to the race of life with newfound vigor.

Find Joy In The Journey, Not Just The Finish Line

The London Marathon is as much about the journey as it is about the finish. Similarly, find joy in each day, relishing the process rather than fixating solely on the destination.

Mindfulness In Every Step

Pay attention to each step, each breath. The beauty of life is shown in the here and now; seize the opportunity to appreciate it.

Learn From Setbacks, Bounce Back Stronger

Just as a stumble doesn’t define a marathon, setbacks don’t define your life. After gaining what you can from them, stand back up, and carry on.

Your Body Is Stronger Than You Think

Your body is a resilient machine. Trust in its strength, both physically and mentally, and discover the depths of your capabilities.

The Importance of a Well-Deserved Finish Line Celebration

Crossing the finish line is a monumental achievement. Celebrate your victories, big and small, and take a moment to revel in your resilience.

Your Active Recovery Footwear Loves Your Feet

Like I said earlier, good shoes take you to good places but OOFOS footwear takes you to even better places. I survived the walk to the station and got home wearing OOFOS. They felt like I was walking on cloud nine. Your self-care post-marathon is important. In life, always prioritize your self-care.

Pass The Baton Of Positivity

Spread positivity like a baton in a relay race. Your resilience can inspire others, creating a ripple effect of strength and perseverance.


As we cross the finish line of this exploration, let these 20 lessons from running the London Marathon serve as a source of inspiration and resilience in your own life’s marathon. Whether you’re facing uphill battles or cruising down life’s avenues, remember that each step you take is a testament to your strength and endurance. So, tie those laces, embrace the journey, and run resiliently toward the incredible experiences that await you.

The London Marathon may be just one race, but the lessons learned echo through the streets of life, reminding us all to keep running and smiling through every mile, no matter what the course may hold.

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Would you sign up for a marathon? Which of the lessons resonated with you? Please jump into the comments sections and let me know.

I am here for you, and I am cheering you on your journey towards a resilient mindset.